Instructions for authors

License Agreement (word)

Your application for publication on a compulsory basis must include the following:

  • UDC, Universal Decimal Classification;
  • surname and initials of authors in Russian and English;
  • title of the article in Russian and English (up to 12 words);
  • abstract (from 150 to 200 words), including: relevance, goal, scientific novelty, methodology and practical significance of the research results, presented in the article; the abstract must not duplicate the text of the article, nevertheless it must perfectly represent the content of the article and its main conclusions, description of the subject of research, methodology of work, main conclusions and results, application area; abbreviations, formulas and references to the sources are unallowable in abstract; an abstract must be presented in Russian and English.
  • key words (8-10 words or 5-6 phrases) in Russian and English;
  • references (list of references must contain not less than 10 and no more than 40 items) in Russian and English; used sources must be numbered in alphabetical order (first in Cyrillic and then in Latin) and presented at the end of the article; citations in the text body are given by a number in square brackets (e.g. [1; 3–5], [7, p. 5–8]); each of the bibliographic records must comply International Bibliographic Standard;
  • if necessary - acknowledgement and sources of funding in Russian and English;
  • author’s information in Russian and English, including: surname, name and patronymic of the authors (full), scientific degree, position and place of study or work (g. chair or faculty, university), town or city, country, in separate line - E-mail, author profile in ORCID and Scopus (if any);

Your articles must be sent in Word format (.docx), style Times New Roman, size 11, single space, recommended length (without an abstract in Russian and English, Russian list references and References) — from 20,000 to 30,000 symbols. Page setup: size А4, margins of 3.5 cm at the right and left, 2.5 cm at the top and 5.5 cm at the bottom. Paragraphs to be automatically set, the first line space to 1 cm, it is not allowed to have spacing (left and right) by intervals and to have automatic numbering in the reference list. Other automatically set spaces and intervals should be 0 cm. Paragraphs in the text to be separated from each other by blank line. Word breaking is automatical. Initials to be divided by space. After punctuation marks must be a space. At typing mind the difference between a long dash (—) used in sentences and a short dash (–) used between figures (dates, pages in reference list etc.). Quotation marks: external (« »), internal and in References (“ ”). Fronts in tables, as well as footnotes at the page bottom to be made in size 10. Please put attention that we use Russian letter «ё» in our journal, it is especially important to have it in names and toponyms.

Recommended structure of an article: introduction (in which the importance of the research is grounded), goal of the article, basic premises (experience of previous researchers and/or the state knowledge on the issue), results of the research, findings (or conclusion).

It is also desirable to have coloured illustrative materials (sketch maps, diagrams etc.), all the pictures (including graphs and diagrams) must be attached as the separate files in .jpg or .png format and not more than 2 Mb in size. Pictures and tables must by numbered and have titles. Table titles must be placed above them, at the right side — Table 1, next line in the middle — Table title, for pictures — at the bottom in the middle (Pic. 1. Title of the picture). Table must not have more than 6 columns. Each article can contain up to 12 pictures and tables altogether.

The article presented for the publication must be actual, has a scientific novelty, contain a certain task (problem). The article must include description of the main results of the research, obtained by the author, conclusions, as well as to fulfill the format rules, accepted by the journal.

The materials presented for the publication must be original, not published previously in other printed sources. All the articles received by the editors go through double “blind” reviewing, as well as are checked by anti-plagiary system. Decision concerning the publication (or rejection) of the article is made by the editorial board of the journal after its reviewing and discussion. Publishing in the journal is free of charge, authors are guaranteed the article to be published in the on-line version in Internet.

Reference list compilation

References to textbooks, guidelines, thesis works, and thesis abstracts are not desirable. Also, it is not recommended to refer to articles, published in periodicals excluded from Russian Science Citation Index, Scopus, WoS for impropriety. It is also important to mention DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for the article if applicable, in reference list too – both in Russian reference list and in the References.

An optimal level of self-citation by the author is not more than 10% of the reference list. Not less than 50% of the sources in Reference must be recent publications, published in international periodicals not more than 10 year ago. The editorial board considers at publication the articles with the share of citations not older than 5 and 2 years, as well as the share of international sources in the general list of references.

On-line periodicals, e.g. Russian Science Citation Index, Cyberleninka, which can be presented in a printed format, should be presented as printed ones, mentioning the journal title, issue, volume, pages, without mentioning Internet sources of their location. Unpublished sources cannot be included in the list of references.

Any other non-scientific research sources (e.g. statistics, online-links to non-scientific publications, referral information etc.), cannot be included in the list of references, but to be presented in form of bottom page footnotes. Format of bottom page footnotes should comply with ГОСТ Р 7.0.5-2008, e.g.:

1Статистика выезда граждан РФ за границу в 2018 году. [Электронный ресурс]: URL: (дата обращения: 27.07.2019).

2Eesti statistika. Statistical database: Economy. [Digital resource]: URL: (date of access: 27.07.2019).

Compilation of the reference list in Russian

- compilation for scientific articles

  1. Степанова С. В. Страны — лидеры дальнего зарубежья по формированию выездного и въездного потоков Российской Федерации в начале XXI века // Учёные записки Петрозаводского государственного университета. 2014. № 1. С. 99–103.
  2. Шлапеко Е. А., Степанова С. В., Тенденции развития трансграничной торговли в российско-финляндском приграничье // Балтийский регион. 2018. № 4. С. 103–117. DOI: 10.5922/2079-8555-2018-4-7.

- compilation for scientific articles in e-journals

  1. Дирина А. И. Право военнослужащих Российской Федерации на свободу ассоциаций // Военное право: сетевой журнал. 2007. [Электронный ресурс]: URL: (дата обращения: 19.09.2017).

- compilation for scientific monography

  1. Кропинова Е. Г. Трансграничные туристско-рекреационные регионы на Балтике. Калининград: Изд-во БФУ им. И. Канта, 2016. 272 с.

- compilation for articles of scientific conferences

  1. Гудым Н. В. Развитие туризма в национальных парках Финляндии // Сервису и туризму — инновационное развитие: Материалы VII Международной научно-практической конференции / отв. ред. проф. Комиссарова Т. С. 2015. С. 22–27.

- compilation of scientific articles and monographies, published in other languages, in main list of references

  1. Honkanen A., Pitkanen K., Hall M. C. A local perspective on cross-border tourism. Russian second home ownership in Eastern Finland // International Journal of Tourism Research. 2016. Vol. 18. No. 2. P. 149–158. DOI: 10.1002/jtr.2041.
  2. Laine J. Finnish-Russian border mobility and tourism: localism overruled by geopolitics // Tourism and geopolitics: issues and concepts from Central and Eastern Europe / Hall D. (ed.). Wallingford: CABI. 2017. P. 178–190.
  3. Laumann E. O., Pappi F. U. Networks of Collective Action: A Perspective on Community Influence Systems. New York: Academic Press, 1976. 348 p.

Compilation of References

References must be presented in the same order (with the same numbering) as it is in Russian list of reference. At compilation of References it is recommended to use automatical transliteration (e.g. Harvard System of Referencing Guide) for surnames and initials of the article and monographies authors’, as well as for titles of scientific journals (if the official English title of the journal is unavailable, e.g. Izvestiya Rossiiskaya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Geograficheskaya, or Etnograficeskoe Obozrenie, but Baltic Region, Geography and Natural Resources), in all other cases (titles of the article, monographies, on-line journals, scientific compilations etc.) the translation into English is to be used.

It is recommended to follow the next format for the References:

- compilation for scientific articles, published in Russian language

  1. Stepanova S. V. (2014), Influence of non-CIS leading countries on in-and-outbound flows of Russian Federation in early XXI century, Uchyonye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, no. 1, pp. 99–103. (In Russ.).
  2. Shlapeko E. A., Stepanova S. V. (2018), Trends in the development of cross-border trade in the Russian-Finnish borderlands, Baltic region, no. 4, pp. 103–117. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.5922/2079-8555-2018-4-7.

- compilation for scientific articles in Russian e-journals

  1. Dirina A. I. (2007), The right of the military personnel of the Russian Federation to freedom of association, Online journal “Military law”. (In Russ.). URL: (accessed 19.09.2017).

- compilation for scientific monographies, published in Russian language

  1. Kropinova E. G. (2016), Cross-border tourist and recreational regions in the Baltic sea, Kaliningrad, 272 p. (In Russ.).

- compilation for articles of scientific conferences, published in Russian language

  1. Gudym N. V. (2015), Tourism development in Finnish national parks, Service and tourism — innovative development: Proceedings of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference, ed. prof. Komissarova T. S., pp. 22–27. (In Russ.).

- compilation for scientific articles and monographies, published in English language

  1. Honkanen A., Pitkanen K., Hall M. C. (2016), A local perspective on cross-border tourism. Russian second home ownership in Eastern Finland, International Journal of Tourism Research, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 149–158, DOI: 10.1002/jtr.2041.
  2. Laine J. (2017), Finnish-Russian border mobility and tourism: localism overruled by geopolitics, Tourism and geopolitics: issues and concepts from Central and Eastern Europe, ed. Hall D., Wallingford, CABI, pp. 178–190.
  3. Laumann E. O., Pappi F. U. (1976), Networks of Collective Action: A Perspective on Community Influence Systems, New York, Academic Press, 348 p.

More information concerning format of articles at online application - >>>

If you cannot submit an online application by yourself, send your authors application form, as well as materials of the article by email to the executive editor mentioned at the page in “Contacts” in any format supported by Microsoft Word.

Example of an article and references compilation (WORD)